Our Services


Onsite & Remote Support

Sentinel Tech offers the most responsive and reliable professionals in the business. You can rest easy knowing we're only a phone call, e-mail, or text away to support your network, servers, and workstations.


Network Setup & Management

We can untangle the complexity of your wired and wireless network. Let us know your goals and we'll set your network up right.


Server Setup & Management

Does the idea of an onsite server sound daunting? Are virtual servers right for you? Don't worry, we can scale, configure, and manage a server perfectly suited to the needs of your business.


E-mail Configuration & Maintenance

Deciding between onsite and offsite e-mail hosting? Sentinel Tech can suggest the most cost-effective solution for you business, and also take care of configuration, migration, and ongoing management.


Remote Access & VPN Solutions

Need to access your network from home or on the road? We'll make sure you never miss an e-mail or file, wherever you are in the world.


Network File Storage

We know that your files are one of the most important assets of your business. We can set up the perfect file storage system and ensure it is backed up for any worst case scenario.


Network Security, Anti-virus, & Anti-spyware

It's in our name: Sentinel Tech is always looking out for your business. We'll ensure that your network, servers, and workstations are protected against hackers, script kiddies, and malware.


Data Recovery

In the event of a hard drive failure, Sentinel Tech has the tools to attempt a recovery, or coordinate with a lab to ensure your valuable data is restored.